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Breaking Down Your NDIS Plan

Updated: May 26, 2021

Let’s face it… the NDIS can sometimes be a little overwhelming. Especially when it comes to breaking down the ins and outs of your NDIS plan. Taking the time to understand the structure of your plan and how it can work for you can be a big help.

Man using a computer and looking at notes.

How your NDIS plan is structured

You NDIS plan is divided into three groups – My Profile, My Goals and Funded Supports. During your planning meeting or plan review meeting, your Local Area Coordinator or NDIA planner will talk through each of the groups with you to help determine the funding support you may need for your NDIS plan.

My Profile is all about you. So, things like who you are, your disability, where you live and of course, the people in your life who support you daily (i.e., family and friends).

My Goals focus on your outlined short- and long-term goals and aspirations and any specified supports you may need to achieve these goals.

Funded Supports summarises your NDIS funding across the three funding categories – Core, Capital, and Capacity Building Supports.

Understanding Core, Capital, and Capacity Building Funded Supports

Although there are three funding categories, you may not receive funding across all of them. Your planning meeting or plan review meeting will be used to determine which funding categories suit your goals and needs.

Core Supports

Core Supports made up of four support categories which help you with everyday living activities, your current disability related needs and assistance working towards your long-term goals. The support categories in your Core Supports are:

  1. Assistance with Daily Life

  2. Assistance with Social & Community Participation

  3. Consumables

  4. Transport

It’s important to note that Core funding is flexible across all four support categories. For example: if you have a total Core budget of $12,000, you can choose how to spend this across all four support categories. The exception to this would be if you have 'Stated Supports' as the funding for these can only be spent on what has been specified.

Capital Supports

The Capital Support budget has two key funding categories. They are:

  1. Assistive Technology

  2. Home Modifications

Usually funding for these support categories can fund one-off purchases that you may need (including Specialist Disability Accommodation).

Capacity Building

Capacity Building supports are intended to build your independence and reduce the need for the same level of support into the future. Progress and outcomes from this support category are shared during each plan review to help determine the supports needed for your next plan. Capacity Building Support categories are:

  • Improved Daily Living (*CB Daily Activity)

  • Improved Life Choices (*CB Choice and Control)

  • Finding and Keeping a Job (*CB Employment)

  • Increased Social and Community Participation (*CB Social Community and Civic Participation)

  • Improved Health and Wellbeing (*CB Health and Wellbeing)

  • Improved Living Arrangements (*CB Home Living)

  • Improved Learning (*CB Lifelong Learning)

  • Improved Relationships (*CB Relationships)

  • Support Coordination

* This is the category name in the NDIS MyPlace Portal

The amount of funding in each support category is flexible only within that category. Which means that if you’ve been funded under Improved Daily Living, you can decide which services or products you would like to spend you funds on under the Improved Daily Living category. Essentially, unlike with your Core Supports, funding cannot be combined across different support categories. This is because each support category you’ve been funded for is working towards achieving a particular goal.

What are Stated Supports?

Stated Supports are specified purchases describe in an NDIS plan. If funding has been allocated to a particular Stated Support, then that funding must be used for its intended purpose.

Some examples of Stated Supports are:

  • Plan Management

  • Support Coordination

  • Assistance from a live-in carer

  • On call or overnight monitoring

  • Meal preparation and/or delivery

  • Linen service

  • Individualised Living Options (ILO)

  • Specialised transport

  • Specialised driver training support

  • Assistive Technology item

  • Interpretation services

Stated supports are referred to as “stated items” in the NDIS Price Guide.

Using your funding

When it comes to using your NDIS funding, you have the choice and control to choose the supports you would like to engage as part of your support team. Your Plan Manager (that’s us!) can help you to manage the financial side of your plan, ensure you’re not overspending or underspending (if you are, we can work with you to develop a strategy to keep you funding on the right track), and to process and pay any invoices on your behalf. If you’ve been funded for a Support Coordinator, they can also assist you with your plan and the providers you engage.

NDIS Price Guide

The NDIS Price Guide is a national price guide that contains information about the different categories in your plan, like the amounts you can claim for each type of support expense, line-item numbers, price limits and details to help clearly identify what is claimable against each support line item. The NDIS Price Guide is included in your NDIS plan handover pack, but you can also find it on the NDIS website.

Plan Review

Typically, your NDIS planning period can range from 6 months to three years depending on your circumstances. Your scheduled plan review is used to check in on the goals you have been working towards and to consider any changes that may need to be made to your next NDIS plan.

If you have recently received a plan and determined it is not right for your needs, you can request a review regarding your funded supports within 90 days of receiving your new plan. If you’re outside the 90 days, there are still options available for you to request a review. Check out our blog here on Early Plan Reviews for more information.

Remember, if you have any questions about your NDIS plan, reasonable and necessary and your budgets contact your First2Care Client Manager or our support team. We are always here to help.

Read more about the benefits of working with an independent, professional Plan Manager. Alternatively, contact our friendly team on 1300 322 273 or


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