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Christy Blackburn

Client Liaison Team

Client Liaison Officer

My role of Client Manager means I get to be in the lives of people who need support and assistance, just in a different capacity to what you might expect. An accomplishment I’m really proud of in my work is being able to change the lives of the people I supported. Watching them become empowered and independent to live their best lives is the most rewarding feeling. To see the pride in not only theirs but the faces of their network when they achieved a goal is what this industry is all about.

Something I will always remember forever was getting to support a client to see their brother for the first time in 5 years. Months and months of work and searching went into that one moment, it was the best outcome and most amazing thing to be a part of. And four years later they still get to see each other every 6 months. What inspires me to do my job is my need to help people fulfil their dreams and goals, and to hopefully one day help society see a person's ability and not their disability. This is what drives me and inspires me to go above and beyond all the time. My life revolves around my kids, family and music; there always has to be music!

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First2Care provides transparent NDIS Plan Management & is focused on supporting your choices. Live the life you want with First2Care by your side.

Our services provide Invoice Processing | Budget Support | Claims Processing | Administration | NDIS Compliance

Participants & Support Providers can stay up to date with NDIS updates, social events and announcements specially tailored for you!

First2Care respectfully operates on Meanjin land, as named by the Jagera people and the Turrbal people. We honour this privilege and responsibility with respect and humility to past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation. We acknowledge the wisdom, diversity and continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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© 2023 First2Care - Serving our participants & community since 2014.

Support Management Solutions Pty Ltd T/AS First2Care. Provider Registration No. 4050003364 First2Care.

All rights reserved. ABN: 24 601 046 155

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