Home should be a place you feel safe and comfortable. Where you have choice and control over your life and daily activities. A place where you can truly be yourself. This is where Individualised Living Options (ILO) support packages can help. NDIS ILO packages are available to provide support for eligible participants so that they can live as independently as possible in the home of their choice.

Let’s breakdown Individualised Living Options
Individualised Living Options (ILO) is a support that gives you the control to choose the home you live in and set up supports in a way that works for your needs. An ILO package contains the supports that can help you live the way you want to in the home you have selected, however it does not cover the home itself.
When assessing eligibility, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will consider individual preferences, strengths, assets, support requirements, informal and community supports.
There are plenty of reasons why someone might want ILO support, including:
Greater flexibility
Better choice over where you live and who you live with
NDIS support whether you are a renter, have a mortgage or own your property
Access to more stable and consistent supports
Improved capacity building options
If you are eligible for this type of support, you will work with an ILO provider to design an individualised support package that can help you to live in the home of your choice either on your own, with family, friends, or housemates. Typically, the home is either private rental, a house you own or social housing. If there is another housing solution you would like to be considered, you can discuss it with your ILO provider.
What to Expect from your ILO Providers
Your ILO provider can help you to explore and understand the options you have for your future home.
Your ILO provider will:
Get to know you and your vision for your home
Assist you and your support team to understand your options
Understand your strength, existing informal and formal support team
Identify any strategies that can assist you in your choice of location, who you live with and how you can be supported
Assess any risks that may have been missed or overlooked with your preferred way of living and help explore other options or solutions regarding any risks
If you have any questions about your ILO package, your ILO provider is there to help.
How is ILO funded?
Your ILO will be funded in two stages – Exploration and Design (stage 1) and ILO Support Package implementation (stage 2).
Stage 1: Exploration and design
During stage 1, it will be determined which supports are right for you and the steps that need to be taken to put those supports in place. Some of the tasks that may be included are assistance to locate suitable housing and linking you with other funded, community or mainstream services (price limits apply).
You can find this stage of ILO listed in the NDIS Price Guide 2020/21 under Individualised Living Options – Exploration and Design (page 50).
Stage 2: ILO Support Package implementation
Stage 2 is all about putting those support into action with the funding that has been allocated in your NDIS plan. The funding can typically be used flexibly and may include formal and informal supports (i.e., your support providers or your family/friends/community). Your ILO package will include resources for monitoring and redesign to ensure you are getting the support you need. Funding for this stage requires a quote and is listed as a stated support which means that the funding can only be used for its intended purpose.
You can find this stage of ILO listed in the NDIS Price Guide 2020/21 under Individualised Living Options – Support model (page 51).
ILO vs. SIL… what’s the difference?
Funding for ILO and Supported Independent Living (SIL) can help you to live more independently at home. However, ILO and SIL supports cannot be funded at the same time.
ILO support is an alternative to Supported Independent Living (SIL), which typically involves paid personal supports and is mostly used in shared living arrangements.
SIL is better suited for a participant who requires higher support needs including 24/7 care. Whereas ILO offers a broader range of living options and more flexibility. To determine the best option for you, discuss ILO, SIL and your support needs with your LAC or NDIA planner during your planning meeting or plan review meeting.
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