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Your Personal Client Portal

2 minutes

24 January 2022

To access this new portal, go to ‘Your Hub’ on the First2Care website and click on 'Portal Access'. All you need to do is fill in the online form and you will be provided with your own personal login details.

The online request form can be filled in by Participants, Nominees, or Support Coordinators.

For a Support Coordinator to be granted access, they must have the consent from the Participant or Nominee. When a Support Coordinator requests access, our team will confirm if they have either of the following documents:
- The signed First2Care service agreement – in the consent to share section
- The consent to share budgets form

Once the consent is recorded, login details will be sent to the nominated email. Support Coordinators also have the option of uploading documents when submitting their request for access.

If you already have access to the Client portal, you can login easily by clicking on 'Client Portal' on the First2Care website homepage.

You can discuss the Client portal or request access at any time by contacting our support team on 1300 322 273 or or you may speak directly to your assigned First2Care Client Manager.

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